Yeshurun Bids a Fond Farewell to Rabbi Lewis and Family

After 17 years at Yeshurun, Rabbi and Rebbetzin Lewis have decided to step back from leading the community and will leave us after Sukkot.

Rabbi Lewis has been a pillar of our community, and his contribution to Yeshurun has been profound. He has guided us through the ups and downs of life, and he has always been there for us, both spiritually and emotionally. He has helped us to grow as individuals and as a community, and he has made our shul a warm and welcoming place for all.

Rabbi Lewis’s decision to leave is a difficult one, but it is one that he has made after careful consideration.  We understand he is planning to remain in the area and so although he will no longer be our Rav we are fortunate he will remain part of the wider Edgware Kehilla.

Please join us in thanking Rabbi and Rebbetzin Lewis for their many years of service to our community. They are true Menschen, and we are all grateful for their dedication and leadership.

Rabbi and Rebbetzin Lewis sent the following message to the community:

We write to you today to announce that after nearly seventeen years of serving you as Rabbi and Rebbetzin at Yeshurun, Miriam and I have decided that it is the right time for us to move on to pastures new and we will be stepping down from our positions after Succos.

Serving Yeshurun has been an extraordinary privilege; we have shared simchas and walked beside one another during times of sorrow.

Both Miriam and I would like to thank all of you for all your wonderful support over all these years.  We are grateful for the love, care and commitment you have shown us throughout our tenure.   Though we will cease to lead you in an official capacity, please know that we value the personal friendships we’ve created here and will cherish the memories of our years together.  Our hearts will always be with the Yeshurun community.

We wish the Kehilla much hatzlocho for the future and, when the time comes, to our successors.

Wishing everyone good health and happiness.

Rabbi Alan & Rebbetzin Lewis

We will now begin a process of recruitment of a new Rabbi and Rebbetzin. In the interim, Rabbi Burman has kindly agreed to undertake some extra duties to cover the gap in Rabbinic provision. We have also reached an agreement with Rabbi Lewis that if members want him to officiate at their family’s levaya, shiva or chuppah, it can be done at the Shul’s expense. Lastly, over the next few months we plan to bring in guest Rabbonim periodically on Shabbat mornings and at other times. Please bear with us during the recruitment period, which we hope to conduct in as swift a manner as possible.